RCPCH/ KPA ETAT+ Project – Kenya
This project aims to reduce under five mortality, thereby contributing to MDG4, through improved quality of emergency care for infants and children in Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda
The partnership was started in 2012 between the Royal college of Paediatrics & Child Health (RCPCH), Kenya Paediatric Association and Ministry of Health. This involved the implementation of an 18 month ETAT+ intervention package in East Africa with six hospitals being targeted in Kenya.
Overall, the activities in the six hospitals included:
- A baseline survey of hospital practice, including mortality statistics
- ETAT+ training for 30 doctors, nurses and clinical officers during a five-day course
- Provision of guidelines, job aides, equipment and some hospital refurbishment to create an appropriate triage area / room
- Identification of a hospital-based ETAT+ champion to drive quality improvement
- Supervision by an in-country ETAT+ clinical lead visiting every three months
- Quality assurance visits every six months by an identified UK consultant paediatrician with assessments of hospital practice
- Assessment of impact through 6 monthly and an end of project survey of hospital clinical practice and mortality rates for comparison with baseline