CEBA Project
The Championing Evidence-Based Advocacy (CEBA) for Primary Health Care (PHC) and Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health and Nutrition (RMNCAH+N) is a 3-year project running from November 2021 to October 2024. The project aims to increase the capacity of local advocacy partners to support both national and county governments and where necessary hold them accountable for policy implementation and to improve utilization of health data for effective advocacy and decision-making in Kenya. The CEBA project is being undertaken in 20 counties in Kenya.
Buy-in, advocacy and capacity building workshops were held with Ministry of Health, Council of Governors, Governors, County Executive Committee Members for Health, relevant County Chief Officers and County Assembly members on prioritization and increasing of investments in PHC and RMNCAH+N, and utilization of data for decision making. Capacity building of advocacy champions including members of the County First Ladies Association, health professional associations and county focal persons was undertaken to enable them influence and promote the PHC/RMNCAH+N agenda. Members of health professional associations have packaged and exhibited learnings from the project at conferences, and have facilitated knowledge and skills sharing through webinars and CPD sessions. A total of 14 advocacy training sessions were held through which over 370 influencers, champions and key decision makers across the 20 counties were equipped with advanced advocacy skills to promote PHC/RMNCAH+N agenda in their respective regions. Through advocacy to increase county investment in PHC/RMNCAH+N programs, County Assemblies in the project counties are considering enacting legislation to provide for an efficient, secure and accountable mechanism for the collection, retention and management of revenue derived from health services rendered at public health facilities in Kenya.