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Improving the delivery of hospital care in Africa.

IDOC AFRICA aims to help share resources developed to improve services in African hospitals. This content includes all of the training materials developed for the ETAT+ course and NEST 360° Resources.

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Committed to Reducing Neonatal mortality.

NEST360° will reduce the neonatal mortality rate by optimizing a bundle of effective and affordable devices, training clinicians and biomedical engineers, developing locally-owned data to drive quality of care.

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About IDOC Africa

IDOC AFRICA aims to help share resources developed to improve health services for newborns and children in African hospitals.

Content includes all of the training materials developed for the Emergency Triage Assessment and Treatment PLUS admission care (ETAT+) course, and recently for Newborn Essential Solutions and Technologies (NEST3600) and other needs-responsive CPD activities.

Also available on this website are important guidelines from other agencies such as WHO as well as a number of tools developed to assess quality of care more formally.
We will also try and highlight some of the most important recent guidelines or research findings relevant to hospital care in Africa.

Our team

IDOC Africa is run by a volunteer team of senior academics, researchers and practitioners in the field of paediatrics and child health drawn from KPA, KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research ProgrammeUniversity of Nairobi and Ministry of Health.

We seek to improve Health Care by adopting new knowledge and skills in trainings targeted towards health care workers in Kenya and similar Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs) across sub-Saharan Africa and other settings. The site contains useful information on research, updated clinical guidelines and quality care tools some of which are useful in assessing Hospitals and health care facilities.